Sunday, June 14, 2009

Evie Is Walking Again!!!

This morning Evie walked on her own, at first hesitantly and then more and more confidently! It's like it all came right back to her. She walked around the house all morning, and stood up without holding onto anything either!

(My apologies for nearly dropping the camera halfway through this video!)

Blogging will get a little more complicated for us, because we are having some computer hardware problems. Also, Uncle Kevin is going to start finishing our basement (woo-hoo!) very soon, so we had to re-arrange a lot of things in the house. To make a long story short, Evie is temporarily sleeping in the computer room. I update the blog while she sleeps, so now things are going to get interesting! Do not fear, dear readers, if we have a day without an update - we will do our best to update you the next day!


Kelly Aiglon said...

woo-hoo evie!!

Unknown said...


Bob Kersting said...

I'm here for your computer troubleshooting needs.