Friday, July 30, 2010

Evie Update - Day 11

Well, Evie did not come home today as I had so optimistically hoped (hey, I can't help it if I am a "glass is half-full" person)! The doctors say she may come home tomorrow, or maybe Sunday. Her bloodwork showed an increase in her potassium, so they lowered the dose of one of her diuretics. At that point, the "wait and see" game started all over. I hope I can bring her home tomorrow!

Evie continued to eat well today (sausage, chicken nuggets, Cheetos). The staff nutritionist was pleased enough to say that Evie's nutrition is "fine." She has never said that to us before!

Evie discovered that she can bounce back against her pillows and shake her bed a little - enough that her greeting cards and photo magnets rattle! She thinks it's quite funny:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see cheetos! Happy Cheetos Evie!