Thursday, October 16, 2008

First Trip to the Zoo!

On Monday, Francis had the day off for the Columbus Day holiday, so we decided the twins were ready for their first trip to the zoo! We thought it would be best to start small though - so we went to the free zoo in Aurora, Phillips Park Zoo.

It worked out really well because it was so close and we could see everything we wanted to in a short amount of time. Remember, we are still working with short windows of time in between naps and feedings for two babies!

There is a "Sunken Garden" right next to the zoo and it is just beautiful. We took some pictures but didn't go in because there was no ramp - we'll check it out next year!

The kids & I talk to a turkey:

Look in the center of this photo and you'll see a wolf:

Evie is enjoying herself. Gavin would like some Gerber banana puffs:

Next was the kids' favorite part of the morning: the swings! There is a very nice playground there, with things for babies and kids to play on. We plopped the twins into the baby swings and gave them a push, and they giggled with delight:

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