Thursday, October 2, 2008

Our Tiny Dancers

The day started out with Francis introducing the twins to our new portable iHome2Go iPod player. My iPod Nano fits into the rear zipper compartment, and now we have a little portable stereo for the kids to carry around (and toss, hit, drop on the floor, and step on - they really abuse it!). We can take it outside with us, or toss it into the stroller.

Kids grow up so fast - sigh! Here is our little Evie dancing to "Like A Virgin:"

Not to be outdone, Gavin shakes his booty too:

Evie's morning bed-head:

Playing and kicking on their blanket:

Evie gets all wrapped in one of Francis' polo shirts:

Evie tries out the walk 'n ride toy, while Gavin makes sure she doesn't fall off:

After a meal, it's clapping and contentment all around:

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