Wednesday, October 29, 2008

More New Tricks!

The other day the twins surprised me by putting their toys into this bin:

Usually they just take everything out and fling it on the floor! Of course, they added some new items: you can see a flashlight, some mini pumpkins (this is significant, keep reading to find out why) and one of Francis' PlayStation games.

Evie is quite pleased with herself!

Then Gavin climbed into the bin and got comfortable. "King of the castle, king of the castle!"

Gavin is also pleased that he climbed in there all by himself. Evie decided this was a good time to do some yoga:

Evie rested after her yoga session:

The twins have learned to do "So Big!"

Hmm, not quite so comfortable anymore... I wonder why? When I pulled Gavin out and the rear of his pants was sticky, I realized he had been sitting on the other pumpkin and had smashed in the top if it! Time for the third outfit of the day (the first outfit didn't survive one of his diaper changes)!

Special Note: One year ago today, we were able to bring Evie home from the hospital! Woo-hoo! Of course, since then we have had "crying in stereo!"

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