Monday, May 11, 2009

Adventures with Cats

This afternoon we went over to Auntie Di's house to visit her and for the twins to meet more of their "cat cousins." Evie and Gavin met Uncle David and Uncle Brad's cats last summer, but they had not met Diana and Kevin's cats, sisters Fern and Fergie.

The kids were really excited to be in a room with two cats. Fern was shy, but she bravely stayed in the room the whole time (although she was not up for photo ops). Evie and Gavin shrieked with glee when the cats would chase a toy. I think they thought the cats were like big stuffed animals - Gavin even gave Fergie a hug!

An empty Diet Coke box is a favorite cat toy - Evie pets Fergie through the box top:

Peeking around the stairs:

Gavin offers a toy:

Evie was interested in the scratching thingy - Fergie came over to see what this little person was doing with her stuff:

Evie enjoyed standing up and looking out the window:

"Hmm, what mischief can I get into over here at Auntie's house?"

"Hey Fergie, what do you guys do for mischief around here?"


Anonymous said...

The kitties were completely exhausted after their visit with the kids - after the Twin-mobile pulled away, Fergie promptly flopped over on her side and slept soundly until I waved food under her nose an hour later!

~Auntie Di

daharrin said...

I can't believe that the cats didn't go after Evie's tubes -- that seems like it'd be an immediate target!


Anonymous said...

Dan, they thought about it, but they seemed to know that Evie is 'paws-off' as well as anything connected to her! I guess they must be pretty perceptive, since they will always chase the vacuum cord, Christmas tree light strings, ribbon that's supposed to go on presents, etc...

~Auntie Di