Monday, May 25, 2009

Dan's Going-Away Party

Evie update: she had a good weekend, gaining 2 ounces from Saturday to Monday with minimal spit-ups. She still has a slight cough from being intubated. She has crawled a little more each day!

On Sunday we went to a going-away party for our good friend Dan, who is moving out of state. We got to catch up with lots of friends and introduce the twins to the ones who had not met them yet.

Here is Evie, ready to go in her party dress:

When we arrived, both kids were a little overwhelmed by all the people there. Gavin wouldn't leave Francis' arms for a while, and when he finally did, he hung out with our god-daughter, Annie, age 6:

Evie never left my arms at all (not that I minded!):

A rare shot of the kids happily "sharing me," which usually results in tears from the twin who was in my lap first:

Francis and Dan:

Here we are with Dan's girlfriend, Keila:

Keila is a pediatric cardiologist, so she was very happy to meet Evie!

Here are more friends at the party!


Anonymous said... great to see some old faces! Please tell Dan "Good luck" for me! Still can't get over how big Gavin is too! :)
Much love,
Gina G.

Kelly Aiglon said...

it's great to see evie back home. she looks so cute in her party dress. and of course gavin is dapper, as usual