Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sunday In The Park

Evie has been doing really well without her feeding tube. She has more energy and expression in her face. She hasn't laid around on the floor nearly as much in the last few days. And the best part is today, Gavin brought out their little cars and she pushed it for a half-lap around the house!

Today we enjoyed the beautiful weather and headed to a nearby park with Nana & Grandpa Cermak. Here are the twins on the way there:

"Mom, can we stay there til it gets dark outside?"

Gavin had a blast exploring the playground equipment with Grandpa. He wanted to try everything out!

He couldn't get enough of the slides:

Gavin remembered how much he loved the swings, but Evie was a little hesitant at first. Eventually she decided to give them a try:

"Hold my hand, Evie! This is lots of fun!"

"Don't I look like I'm having fun?"

Francis is taking this video while holding Evie, and you can hear her saying her little "eh-eh" sound in the background.

When we got back home, Gavin and Evie helped Nana unwrap a belated birthday gift:

Cool - a new chair for sitting outside! It's got a built-in sun shade, but it's cut out of the picture. Gavin decided it was time for Nana to get out of her chair so he could try it out:

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