Wednesday, May 6, 2009

At the Park With Grandma

Evie had only one TINY spit-up today! That is not a record, but it's better than she has done in a long time. She has been so animated and happy since we pulled her feeding tube. We see her cardiologist tomorrow and will find out what the team of docs at Hope Hospital had to say about her (Dr. Gulecyuz is presenting her echo and case at their meeting tonight).

After naps today, we headed over to a nearby park with Grandma Cordes. Evie got in the swing right away and enjoyed every minute of it:

"Yep, I know I have a bump on my forehead. It makes me look tough!"

Then Grandma decided it had been too long since she had been on a swing, so she joined in! The twins thought this was really funny (click on the picture for a larger view):

Here is Evie giggling about her Grandma:

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