Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Breathing Tube Removed

(OK, the tube is still in place in this photo.) The nurses gave her a little stuffed whale that is by her head.

After having an ultrasound and echocardiogram this morning, Evie was doing well and had no problems. Her paralytic drug was stopped around 1pm, then her Fentanyl (sedation) was stopped around 2:30. Unfortunately, when she stopped getting the sedation, her pulse-ox dipped into the 50's. This is not what you want when you are trying to get a baby off of a ventilator!

The doctors then restarted her sedation at a lower dose and then gradually weaned her, instead of just shutting it off completely. Between 6 and 7pm, her breathing tube was removed!! She is doing fairly well: her nurse described her breathing as "a little coarse" and she is on a high-flow oxygen cannula. She is sleeping now as I type. We are not sure what day she will be able to come home.


Susan said...

You are all in our prayers and we hope that Evie will be able to go home very soon. Love to all, The Stanks.

Unknown said...

We are praying for you!!!

LV, Mike, and Keira

The Godfathers said...

GO EVIE! You are so strong on your own, but with all of us rallying around you, and praying for you, you are SO much stronger!! Come home today, sweet godchild of ours. So much love from your Uncles David & Brad, and cousins Phantom and Phoebe Jean