Friday, June 20, 2008

A Week in the Life

I have sooo many cute pictures to post! The twins were pretty funny this week - here are a few pics and videos:

Evie does some more"naked tummy time"

What else are books for besides chewing on?

Evie has so much to say that she lost her balance (don't worry, she's completely fine)!

Evie gets in a few minutes of batting practice; looks like all those hours of practice with Grandpa Cermak have are paying off! (NCAA scholarship?!)

Evie and Gavin both try to play with the octopus toy. Too bad they don't sell these anymore - Daddy got this one from Ebay!

Gavin & Evie both want to play with the same toy again...

Looks like Gavin got it this time, but they're still best buddies! High five!

Gavin cruises across the floor:

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