Thursday, April 9, 2009

18 Month Physical

Evie did well eating again today - she took 16 ounces by tube and 2 by mouth, with only two spit-ups (and one of them was because Grandpa Vic accidentally let her eat a cheddar goldfish cracker that Gavin had dropped - she was too fast for him). Her nurse will visit tomorrow and we'll see how much weight she has gained.

The twins were 18 months old yesterday! Their physical was scheduled for today, but only Gavin went. Evie's cardiologist wants her to wait a month before getting any vaccinations. Gavin hated every minute that we were at the pediatrician's office, especially when he had to get a shot. Luckily he is doing fine, and we were back home soon enough (new stats are on the left of your screen).

Gavin loves to bring people their shoes when it is time to leave. Here he is ready to take Grandma Cordes' slippers and put them in the closet:

Early morning with Gavin and Daddy. Gavin loves to point out the birds in his books, and yesterday he brought his book over to the patio door to compare with our real birds:

Gavin eating strawberries and toast:

Evie woke up with a funny case of bed-head today:

She and Grandpa Vic hung out while Gavin and I were at the doctor:

Gavin made up a dance that he loves to do with his Auntie Di. It only works with the song "Hickory Dickory Dock:"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Evie was telling Gavin how to get through the shots at the doctor's office! She probably would have thought it was a cakewalk with all she has already been through!
Gina G.