Thursday, April 16, 2009

A Most Excellent Day

Today was a great day for the Legendary Twins. Evie had a visit with her cardiologist first thing in the morning, and she behaved like a perfect angel the whole time (usually she cries when Dr. Gulecyuz listens to her heart). Dr. G. thought she looked great and we are going to start weaning some of her meds. He said as long as her pulse-ox stats are good, we can slowly wean her oxygen as well. (Her pulse-ox today was 85, by the way - excellent!)

Auntie Di watched Gavin while Evie and I were gone, and he was very happy when we got back home (he gets upset when Evie or I leave without him - it just doesn't make sense in his little world). After naps, we all took a long walk in the beautiful spring weather. Then it was time to give Evie a sponge bath.

I have been giving her sponge baths for a couple weeks now, because for some reason she now hates baths. It started after she came home from the hospital. We all feel so bad because she used to LOVE baths and loved to splash around in the tub. I started the sponge baths when she got so upset during a tub bath that she actually threw up in the tub.

So today, she actually giggled while I was washing her hair. Luckily, Auntie Di is always quick with our camera and she captured the moment (you can see a few of Evie's many medicine bottles in the background).

Here is Gavin checking out the early morning wildlife on our back patio. The twins love to watch the birds, squirrels, chipmunks and rabbits in the mornings:

Here is a video that reminds us of "the old Evie;" we love to see her playing games with Gavin:

And, to top it off, Evie felt like "driving" he car today for the first time since her surgery! These are the "walk-n-ride" cars that the twins love to push around the house together. Gavin likes to go first, but he waits for Evie to catch up to him. When she decided to start pushing today, he was so excited and had this look on his face like, "finally we can do this again!" It was awesome to see. Actually it was probably pretty funny to see, because I was following Evie, pushing her IV pole with her feeding pump and carrying her portable oxygen tank! Evie went around our house one a half times before she decided to sit down and rest.

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