Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Cruisin' Around

Happy Birthday Nana Cermak! Our friend Katy and her daughter Paige were able to surprise Nana at work today with some lovely flowers to celebrate. Check out Katy's blog for some pics!

Evie's weight gain since Monday was 7 ounces. Tomorrow we'll see her cardiologist and hopefully we can drop a few more of her meds and start weaning her oxygen. She is more active than ever, though! She keeps on pulling herself up and cruising around the furniture.

Here she is saying "hi" to her squirrel buddy:

What could be better than licking a glass window?

Only holding on with one hand:

Auntie Di got Gavin up from his nap -he still looks a little sleepy!

Here are the twins, sitting in each others' new toddler chairs:

Here's Evie cruising by the pack-n-play:

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