Monday, April 20, 2009

Saturday Fun

Evie update: she gained five ounces since last Friday, and her lungs are clear. We will increase her nighttime tube feeding by one ounce, and her nurse will be back Thursday. We had to change out her NG tube and retape a new oxygen canula on Sunday. Evie was not pleased to have that tube put back in!

This past Saturday we got to spend some time with Uncle David. We had fun checking out his new iPhone...if there is anything that David doesn't yet understand about his phone, I'm sure Gavin will explain it to him!

Then Uncle David and Evie got to spend some time together out on the back stoop:

Just sittin' on the stoop with her oxygen tank... (mismatched socks courtesy of her Uncle!)

Later, Gavin got to come outside too:

"Hey, Evie, it's pretty nice out here! I chased all the bugs away, and all the birds and squirrels, too!"

1 comment:

T. Tucker said...

I am so happy Evie is doing so well. Gavin looks soooo big in all of the pictures!