Monday, April 27, 2009

Windy Day Fun

Evie update: she is back to 16 pounds, 8 ounces. This is what she weighed a week ago, so she gained back whatever she had lost during all the big spit-up days. Her lungs are clear but she still coughs frequently. She continues to take more and more formula by mouth during the day.

Gavin update: Tomorrow (Tuesday) Francis and I are taking him to Edward for a VCUG test. This is the test he had when he was 3 months old, to diagnose his vesicoureteral reflux. In November he had the deflux procedure to correct it, but the only way to know for sure if the deflux worked is to repeat the VCUG. I've added links to refresh your memories of all this; but the procedure should be quick and requires no sedation. In a nutshell, a contrast dye will be put in his bladder and we then wait for him to pee, and we'll watch a "real-time" x-ray to see if the urine flows back up to the kidneys or not. (It shouldn't!)

This past Saturday it was a bit rainy and windy, but nice enough to step outside for a little while with Nana and Grandpa Cermak. The twins loved exploring the great outdoors and especially liked looking at trees:

Gavin LOVED Grandpa's shiny red convertible! "Hey Grandpa, can you toss me the keys? I want to take it out for a spin!"

Evie did not want to be left out of a car ride. "Take me with you, Gavin!"

Gavin was very interested in the rocks and bushes:

Gavin liked sorting the rocks:

All that activity tuckered everyone out. Nana read with Gavin following his afternoon meal, and Evie just zonked out on the floor and snuggled with Grandpa.

If you look closely (or click on the photo for an enlargement), you can see that Evie's still holding the rocks in her hand that she had picked up outside! She loved tapping them together.

1 comment:

Kelly Aiglon said...

i love gavin's dinosaur tee-shirt. where did you get it?!?