Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hugs & Chipmunks

Evie has managed to lose a few more ounces and we're not quite sure why, but we think it is because she is on three diuretics now. She is tolerating her continuous tube feedings for the morning and early afternoon, but by late afternoon she starts spitting up. We have not fed her overnight for a week now because that was a big disaster. We will see her cardiologist tomorrow and hopefully will get some answers to all of our questions.

Today she was fascinated with a chipmunk on the patio. Francis has been putting out peanuts on the patio to attract squirrels and chipmunks because the twins love watching scamper, eat and bury nuts in the yard.

Evie has been really cute and playful for the last three days, so we can tell she is more comfortable. She has wanted to stand up and even took a few steps today, holding onto her musical table and her Auntie Di. Here she is playing with a balloon:

Yesterday Evie let Gavin hug her and she didn't cry!

Today she felt like hugging him back, or leaning on him - either way she is just adorable. Evie says, "My 'little' brother will protect me!"

Checking her pulse-ox (78, woo-hoo!):

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