Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sunday Fun

Evie update: she had many, many small spit-ups throughout the day today - Grandma Cordes caught most of them! (I put her on "barf duty.") I called our home health nurse and asked her to come tomorrow instead of Thursday to check on Evie. Evie had no fever and her pulse-ox was normal.

Nana and Grandpa Cermak visited on Sunday. Here's Nana reading to Evie:

Evie managed to get herself into a very comfortable position for a nap with Nana:

Both kids wanted to sit in chairs and hear stories:

Gavin and one of his favorites, Ten Little Ladybugs:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It must be such a joy to spend time with grandkids! And what a joy to see your kids interact with your own parents! So sweet!
Gina G.