Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day 13: All Sewn Up

Today Dr. Ilbawi closed up Evie's breastbone. They had closed her skin after the surgery, but left the breastbone open in case they needed to do anything else in her chest, and also because swelling can occur. It took about 20 minutes and they did it at her bedside.

While I was there today, she was awake and was very interested in watching people walking by in the hallway. This is the Evie we know best: she's gotta see everything going on around her! Remember, the visiting nurse who took care of her post-op last March nicknamed her "Miss Nosetta" because she's such a busybody!

Here is Evie giving me her best "What are you waiting for, Mom - get me outta here" look:

Today her nurse noticed that her urine was a bit cloudy, so she sent a sample for analysis. Dr. VanBergen put her back on gentamicin (a strong antibiotic) just in case she has any infections. She had no fever, so that's a good sign.

Tomorrow should be another day of weaning medications and monitoring, and on Friday the doctors plan to remove her from the ventilator. I know she will be thrilled to have that tube out of her throat!
Gavin has behaved wonderfully for all of his babysitters over the last 13 days, but not so well for me. Poor thing, he just doesn't understand where Evie is and I can tell he still misses her like crazy. On top of that, he got another tooth today. I just can't wait until my "wonder twins" are united again!


Unknown said...

So glad to hear everything is going so well for Evie! I'm sure Gavin has to miss his sister dearly, as I'm sure she misses him! Evie is an amazing little girl, you truly are blessed!

T. Tucker said...

I am so glad that Evie is doing so well! She has had so many people praying for her fast recovery and healing.

Unknown said...

We are so thrilled to hear that things are moving along well for Evie! We hope that you received the prayer blanket that Mike's mom sent, and that you can feel all the love and prayers that were poured into it. Please let us know if we can do anything at all for you guys!

LV, Mike, and Keira

NC Rosols said...

Evie - it's so good to see that you're getting better and on the road to recovery. I spoke to your Grandma Cordes the other day and she gave me all the updates about you and how strong and sweet you are! I hope we'll get to meet you, your parents and your brother this summer at the Rosol Family Reunion! With love, from one twin to another - your cousin Marlene (and Phil)

reese55 said...

It's so good to see Evie's eyes and to hear she's getting back to normal. She's on the road home - we'll keep praying that the way there is smooth. Love to all, c&c