Thursday, February 12, 2009

Day 7: Still Waiting

We don't have much in the way of updates today. We're still hoping that the blood vessel in Evie's lung clots on its own and she won't need another procedure to fix it. By tomorrow the 48 hour waiting period (not giving her heperin via IV) will end, and the docs should decide the next step based on how she's doing.

Here are some pictures taken a few days before Evie went in the hospital. She and Gavin opened up Francis' work bag and were perusing his papers:

Gavin reviews the court calendar:

"Hmm, Evie, it looks like Daddy's motion is up tomorrow at 9 am."

"I'd say that Daddy is fully prepared to win his motion, Gavin!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Fran and Sharon -- it was so nice seeing happy photos today....we're all looking forward to the day when you can send them again. All our prayers and those of the Franciscans down at St. Peter's in the Loop are with Evie and all of you - everyday.
Evie has won the hearts of so many with her brave fight!