Thursday, February 19, 2009

Day 14: Holding Steady

Another day of very few changes for little Evie. Some of her medications were reduced, and she started on methadone to help her withdrawl from Fentanyl. She was restless when I first arrived, but then settled into a deep, peaceful sleep:

At home, Gavin has been refusing to eat very much for dinner. I gave up on the pasta I had offered and tried yogurt, which he also rejected. Then I tried to get him to eat one strawberry. He eyed it skeptically...

He eventually took a few tiny bites. Have I said how much I can't wait for Evie to come home so both of them can get back to normal????

1 comment:

Kelly Aiglon said...

good news still about evie! for gavin, it might be a picky-eater phase? felix went pretty much on hunger strike for one whole week, and he was just being a stinker. applesauce is usually a good bet.