Thursday, March 12, 2009

Silliness and More Smiles

Today I was really exhausted and needed extra help, so the twins had a lot of visitors. Evie was even perkier than she was yesterday (unfortunately, she was not any hungrier). She had big smiles when Grandma and Grandpa Cordes arrived:

Gavin had learned to shake his head "no," (Evie has also learned this just since she got back home) and his other new trick is covering his ears. He usually does it when we turn on Evie's nebulizer for her breathing treatment, but today he just felt like covering his ears when Auntie Di held him after his nap:

Grandpa was very silly and put a burp cloth on Evie's head:

Then Gavin had to have one, too:

Gavin started to tear up the 10 Little Ladybugs book, but I was able to save it:

Evie was all smiles for Uncle David later in the day:

Tomorrow is Evie's post-op physical. In the past we have only seen the nurse practitioner, but this time but Dr. Ilbawi wants to have a look at her as well. Let's see if she throws anything at him!

Also, here are some fun Evie facts: while she was in the hospital, she got FIVE teeth on top!!! Good thing she was on all those painkillers! (Gavin got two teeth while she was gone, and has two more coming in.) Second Evie fact: one of her 12 medications is Viagra. Yes, that Viagra! It was originally used to help with pulmonary hypertension by increasing blood flow to the lungs. Then it was discovered that it increased blood flow to other parts of the body as well...we just think it's funny to tell people that our little girl is on Viagra!

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